Whether you’re getting ready to move into your first home or you’re seeking to develop your current interior, there are plenty of things to consider when planning your décor. The first thing that usually comes to mind when updating your space is what furniture to choose and how to use these statement pieces to optimise your environment. However, there are other crucial features that often go overlooked. Continue reading for four features your home might be missing. To fix or not to fix?

Smart features

The ever-growing abundance of technology we now have in 2020 is making life a whole lot easier for everyone. Tech companies are now using this growth to their advantage and creating new concepts more often. Whilst this is great for us, it does put a little bit of pressure on what we should have in our homes. Using simple and affordable features like Google Home and the Amazon Echo are fantastic ways to optimise your home. Control your home from one place and make life easier.

Luxury lighting

One of the best ways to tie a room together is with the lighting. Many interior designers recommend that you layer your lighting for dramatic effect. Whilst it’s important to have soft lighting to maintain a comfortable atmosphere, what really changes the aesthetic of any room is some luxury lighting. You can order bespoke lighting to suit your taste and décor or you can choose out of the many different types available. Some examples include chandeliers, a statement lampshade and dimmable switches. Know your options and choose which is best suited to your environment.

Space for relaxation

Having a safe space in your home should be paramount. With this, you should have a trustworthy environment that you can visit at any moment to relax. Experts are recommending having a reading corner for you to relax with a nice book or your tablet to play games or watch videos. Having a relaxing area away from your busy spots is a way to keep your mental health in check and separate the stresses of the day from you-time.

A strong colour palette

Choosing a colour palette for your home can be quite difficult if you don’t have a set vision in mind. If you’re moving into your first home, you’ll want to get things right first time to save you any extra stress in the future. Pick a few colours and create your mood board around them. Choose your furniture accordingly too. Try not to overlook this as a good colour scheme is a strong feature of any home.

Final thoughts

When pulling everything together in your home, it’s important that you don’t skip the small steps. Your and your family’s personalities should shine in each room, so make sure you include some personal items like photos, ornaments and other types of décor. It’s up to you to optimise your space, and when doing so try including as many key features as possible to make your space work for you. Flowers don’t go amiss!